Ingredienti per il ripieno (10 minuti)
- Calamari 4 (ali e tentacoli)
- Parmigiano grattugiato 150g
- Pane mollica, q.b.
- Pangrattato 50g
- Olio extravergine di oliva q.b.
- Olive nere 6
- Capperi 6
- Sale marino q.b.
- Pepe nero q.b.
- Aglio 1 spicchio
- Prezzemolo 1 mazzetto
Ingredienti per la cottura (20 minuti)
- Calamari 4 (teste)
- Passata di pomodoro 350g
- Olio extravergine di oliva q.b.
- Aglio 1 spicchio
- Sale marino q.b.
Stuffed squids are prepared by cleaning the squid and chopping the tentacles that brown with the bread and other ingredients to create the filling. They can be served both hot and cold and cooked – according to personal taste – with some variation in both cooking and filling. The one described here is the classic version of the recipe prepared in a pan and enriched with many tips to make it suitable for everyone’s needs and palates. How to prepare stuffed squid emptied all the internal parts and the extraction of cartilage present in the mantle. Remove the skin and cut the two wings. Once the tentacles have been removed, deprive the squid of the eyes and the tooth, the hard part that is just below. Put a pan on medium heat and let fry a clove of garlic in extra virgin olive oil. Add the wings and the tentacles cut into small pieces, as soon as the garlic becomes golden, with the capers and pitted olives. Turn off the mixture after 5 minutes, remove the garlic and move everything into a bowl, adding the soft breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs, chopped parsley, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and mix together. Let it cool. With the help of a sac à poche or simply a teaspoon, fill the squid without reaching the edge: it is necessary to leave the last part empty in order to seal it with a toothpick, so as not to spill the mixture during the cooking. Cooking times and methods At this point, heat the pan with oil and a clove of garlic and place the squid. Pour a small glass of dry white wine to let it evaporate, and continue cooking adding a puree of tomatoes without seeds, a pinch of salt, letting them cook over low heat for 20 minutes and turning them at least once halfway through cooking. If you want to leave them in white just do not pour the puree, and cook them with a lid for 10 minutes turning them from time to time. Be very careful because the squid will tend to release water that could make the oil splash.